Take Back Control
& Start Thriving

Therapy for Individuals,
Couples, and Parents

Available in Person in Fort Worth
and Online throughout Texas
runner on a beach greeting the sunrise

The pain of anxiety is always there.

From the moment you wake up in the morning, it’s with you.

It prevents you from enjoying yourself or accomplishing much of anything throughout the day.

And it makes falling asleep at night next to impossible.

It’s taking a toll on your physical health.

You’re constantly exhausted and feel your body breaking down under the weight.

There’s no way of knowing, from day to day, how the pain will present itself.

It could be a tightness in your chest, a sickness in the pit of your stomach, or a blistering migraine.

woman struggling with anxiety or other issues hugging a pillow burying her face in it.
man sitting on a cliff side with water marks

You feel so alone.

From the outside, you appear to be fine.

But no one knows what you are going through on the inside.

And when you try to explain yourself, it doesn’t seem like anyone understands.

Your relationship is struggling.

There was a time not that long ago when you had so much fun with your partner.

But lately, every interaction seems to devolve into conflict.

And you’ve begun to wonder if keeping this relationship going is even worth the effort.

Nothing you’ve tried has helped.

You’ve read Internet articles, talked with friends, and even tried thinking more positively, but nothing works.

There’s so much to be grateful for, so why are you still struggling?

Now it’s just too exhausting.

Relief is possible.

The brain has interesting ways of connecting memories and life
experiences that aren’t always healthy.

But therapy can assist you in identifying and changing these
unhelpful patterns.

It’s time to take back control of your life. And I can help.

Hi, I’m Cindy.

And together, let’s learn what’s getting in the way of you living your best life or enjoying the loving, caring relationship you deserve.

I’m here to support you in this journey. As a guide, a friend, and a fan, I will help you utilize your strengths to transform challenges into possibilities.

Together, let’s figure out exactly what you want out of life and then make that dream a reality.

I believe you can be the hero of your story. Reach out now, and let’s get started.

Cindy Hiester - psychotherapist and counselor

What I Offer

Individual Therapy

Couples Therapy

Parents Therapy

Online Therapy

Find the relief you’ve
been looking for.

Reconnect with others and yourself. Start living
the life you deserve!

You don’t have to do this alone anymore. Let me
walk with you on this journey.