Parents Therapy

1606546576“Why won’t my kid listen to me?”

You can say it nicely…

Or you can firm up your tone to show you’re serious this time.

It doesn’t matter… your kid still argues and refuses to follow your directions.

And you’ve had enough!

“What am I doing wrong?”

Inevitably, you ask yourself this question.

You probably think you’re a terrible parent who doesn’t know enough about kids or child training.

Or you may have resigned yourself to the fact that your kid doesn’t like or respect you.

“But I’ve tried everything!”

You’ve tried the advice of other parents and followed the suggestions of all the parenting books, but they just don’t work with your kid.

Nothing works!

483300238“I feel like a failure.”

Parenting wasn’t supposed to be this hard. You weren’t expecting it to be a cakewalk, but this is ridiculous!

It’s overwhelming, and the stress of it is impacting your relationships, your work, and your well-being.

It’s time to get help.

Let someone else with knowledge and experience…

… give you real tools that work.

More importantly, I’ll help you repair and strengthen the relationship with your child. That has to be done before cooperation is possible.

It really can happen, and I know how to get there.

Let’s talk about it. Call today to schedule your free consultation: (817) 809-8801.