“There is no normal life that is free of pain. It’s the very wrestling with our problems that can be the impetus for our growth.” – Mister (Fred) Rogers – The World According to Mister Rogers
Aren’t work and stress synonymous?
Even Mr. Rogers realized that some stress in our daily lives is normal. However, there’s a level of work stress that exceeds what is healthy and sustainable.
Many of us get so used to living on the edge from morning to evening five days a week that we don’t realize the toll it’s taking on us…
… until we’re having trouble sleeping, taking care of our body, relating and cooperating well with others, or managing our emotions.
You may have also noticed…
… how your work stress is bleeding into your personal life at home with family and friends.
Have you had that moment where you realize you don’t actually do anything fun anymore? Do you even know what you’d do if you HAD the time??
If you’re like most people, you feel like you’re on a wheel… with one responsibility after another keeping you going incessantly.
You’ve probably asked yourself these questions…
“Who am I, really?”
Another is: “Why now?”
What’s brought you to this place of stress and tension? I mean, you’ve been doing this for a long time, so why are you doing something about it now?
Chronic stress is a lot like a physical ailment.
When we don’t eat nutritious food or take care of our bodies, we may go on okay for a while. But eventually, our bodies will give out on us.
That’s when we usually get sick. And when we get sick, we have no choice but to stay in bed and heal.
I think of chronic stress and emotional exhaustion in much the same way. We may be able to “deal with it” for a long time, but our mental and emotional capacities will eventually reach their limits.
You have a choice to make…
Either run yourself into the ground… or make a change.
If you’re constantly living for your weekends, holidays, or retirement, you’re probably at the place of burnout.
And that’s no way to live.
In fact, it’s not living at all. It’s just surviving.
Work equals… peace??
What if there was a way you could live and work without reaching burnout?
What if work equaled peace?
It may seem like a fantasy, but I’ve helped countless individuals listen to what their burnout was telling them, and it helped them grow in ways they never thought possible.
Living each day in joy and peace is possible for you, too!